Since 2015 I've been part of a great project, the Philipp Moll Sunday 12PM Jazz in Bern. It was created on the initiative of the Austrian bassist Philipp Moll, who lives in Bern. The principle is simple: once a month, the house trio consisting of Philipp Moll, b Stewy von Wattenwyl p and Kevin Chesham feature an outstanding musical personality who chooses a theme for the concert. This can be a composer, a musician, an album or...
The concert is always 12.00 - 14.00 in the Mahogany Hall in Bern. Since it is usually very well attended, it is recommendedto reserve.
Since 2015 I am part of great project, the Sunday 12 PM Jazz series at Mahogany Hall in Bern. It's been founded by austrian bass player Philipp Moll. The principle is simple: The house trio (Philipp Moll double bass, Kevin Chesham dr, Stewy von Wattenwyl p) features once a month a guest who chooses a theme for the concert. This can be a composer, a musician, an album or…
The gig is always 12.00 - 14.00. Since the Mahogany is most of the time packed we recommend tomake a reservation.